Can I apply a discount to my subscription?

Rewards codes will work on subscriptions, while some discount codes will not be able to be applied, as subscriptions are already discounted.

Cannot be combined with subscriptions:

  • Non-sale discount codes will not work with subscriptions (Email/SMS codes, sign-up codes, referral and affiliate codes)
  • Promotional sale codes will not work with subscription orders. The subscribe and save discount for your recurring auto-ship orders is equal to the discount received for the sale, so you are already receiving the promotional price!

Can be combined with subscriptions:

  • Bully Bucks rewards codes can be used on a subscription. Head to the rewards page and redeem your Bully Bucks for a "Subscription Discount" of your choosing and copy the code. Then go into your subscription portal and apply it to your upcoming order!

Please note two discount codes cannot be combined on a single order.
Subscription Rewards Code

Sep 26, 2024

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